Received, not earnt

Romans 4:4-8

Scripture: Romans 4:4-8 (ESV) “Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due. And to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness, just as David also speaks of the blessing of the man to whom God counts righteousness apart from works: ‘Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin.'”

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Devotion: Picture this: you’ve been working all month, and payday rolls around. You receive your paycheck, and while you’re thankful, you’re not surprised. After all, you earned it. Now, imagine you wake up one morning to find an unexpected gift at your doorstep—an envelope full of cash with your name on it, no strings attached. This is not payment for work done but a gift, freely given.

Paul uses a similar contrast to explain how righteousness is credited to us. It’s not a paycheck for spiritual or moral labor; it’s more like that unexpected envelope—a gift of grace. When we try to work our way into God’s favor, we’re essentially treating our relationship with Him as a transaction. But God’s economy operates differently. He offers righteousness as a gift to those who believe, not to those who earn it through deeds.

This passage also echoes the joyful proclamation of King David, celebrating the blessedness of forgiveness and the covering of sins—not because we’ve managed to hide them well enough but because God chooses not to count them against us. This isn’t about sweeping our wrongs under the rug; it’s about a deep, divine forgiveness that removes the stain of sin entirely.

The radical message here flips our world’s values on its head. In a culture that screams, “You get what you earn,” God whispers, “Receive what you could never afford.” It’s a declaration that our worst moments and biggest mistakes can’t disqualify us from God’s love because our qualification comes from faith in Him who justifies the ungodly.


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Gracious God, thank You for the gift of righteousness that comes not from my work but from Your grace. Thank You for forgiving my sins, not because I have managed to make up for them, but because You have chosen to cover them through Jesus. Help me to live in the freedom and joy of this gift, resisting the urge to earn what You’ve freely given. May my life reflect the gratitude and peace that comes from knowing I am justified by faith. Amen.

Challenge for the day: Reflect on areas of your life where you’ve been trying to earn God’s favor or justify yourself. Write them down, then symbolically offer them up to God in prayer, releasing your need to earn His love. Share the concept of God’s grace as a gift—not a wage—with someone who might be struggling to understand their worth today. Encourage them with the truth that God’s love and righteousness are freely given, not earned.

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