Equipped for Every Good Work

Scripture: Hebrews 13:20-21 (ESV)

“Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.”

As the book draws to a close, the author of Hebrews gives his readers a blessing which touches on many of the same themes as the rest of the book.

First, we are blessed by the “God of peace”. Here we are reminded that God has done everything required to be at peace with his adopted children, through Jesus our Lord. We have been brought back from the dead, through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Second, we blessed because we have been looked after by the great shepherd of the sheep. He, like any good shepherd, has laid down his life for his sheep to ensure our safety and security.

Third, we are blessed because we are are included in the new covenant. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, the spilling of his blood, reminds us of the old priestly sacrificial system. But his sacrifice is eternal and everlasting. This sacrifice does not need to be offered again and again.

Having established theses blessings, the author of Hebrews now prays that the readers may be equipped with everything good in order to do God’s will. The word “equip” here is key. The prayer is not jus a general prayer that people would have good things, it is rather that people would be equipped with everything good. This is a prayer that people would be shaped and prepped to do God’s work and fulfil God’s purposes on earth. It is the Holy Spirit that works in us to do this work, point our hearts in the direction of God’s will and helping us do what is right.

What this means is that God actually has a specific plan and purpose for each one of us. He saves us into his service. He then gives us what we need to achieve that purpose.

The only thing left for us to consider is whether we actually see our lives as lives of purpose? God saved you for a reason… How are you living that out today?


Father, thank you for saving me from myself and calling me into your service. I know you have a reason for doing so. Please give me every good thing I need to serve you well. Amen

Spiritual Challenge:

Consider the good things God has given you. What do they tell you about where God is calling you to serve him?

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