Big Updates plus poll on what to study next?

Hi Everyone,

It has continued to be a joy preparing these devotions for you all.

Thank you for those who have been leaving comments and interacting with the content – it really helps build our community here. Although our community has now almost quintupled since I started!

As of right now, we have officially crossed the 500 subscriber mark! Welcome aboard everyone who has joined since my last update.

Where do our community live? According to Substack this is how these 511 subscribers are distributed.

Again, shout out to Brazil and the Philippines! Great to have you along.

Since my last update, I have also started podcasting these devotionals and they have blown up much more than I could have ever imagined. Since launching the podcast, the podcast has been downloaded over 2000 times! Who would have thought…

All this growth is as a direct result of you, the reformed devotional daily community, sharing this content. So I want to say a massive thank you for allowing me to do this for you. It is really humbling to be able to serve God in this way.

Now, on to the big question! We are just about to finish Hebrews: where to next? Place your votes below!

I want to also take this opportunity publicly thank and acknowledge my local church council. I thank God for these guys who faithfully serve the local church, but who have a bigger vision for the kingdom of God. They have generously made some of my time available to write these devotions, yes to serve the local church, but also to serve the church more globally. It really it is a great privilege to work for the Lord in this way, so brothers, thank you.


Chris P

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