How should we treat others?

Romans 12:13

Scripture: Romans 12:13 (ESV) “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.”

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We continue our journey through Paul’s quickfire applications of the Gospel to the lives of Christians. Today he encourages us to share and show hospitality. The reality is that we live in a world that often feels cold and disconnected. But these words in Romans 12:13 call us to embody a different reality filled with warmth and generosity. It is a radical invitation to live differently in a world which constantly encourages us to be greedy and self centered. Here Christians are instructed to be generous with their homes, their hearths and their holdings (I couldn’t think of another H word for money…).

First, Paul instructs believers to “contribute to the needs of the saints”. I think this suggests a proactive approach to generosity. How often do we wait until someone asks before we do something? I wonder whether there isn’t an implication here that we are to seek out the needs of others to fill them? Interestingly, notice that this starts first and foremost in the church – with the saints. Of course it is very good to look after the needs of the world, but several passage in scripture indicate that as Christians we are to look after our own first (1 Tim 5:8, Acts 2:44-45, Hebrews 6:10 and especially Galatians 6:10). It is our duty to look after the needs of our brothers and sisters in the faith. Do you even know who in your church is struggling financially?

The second part of the verse, “seek to show hospitality,” tackles on a different aspect. Biblical hospitality isn’t just about having friends over for dinner, it is really about opening up our lives to other people. It is letting people into our homes to be part of the family. It is especially about inviting those who would not normally receive an invitation to another’s home. Hospitality is about making space at the table for all those who are burdened, to come and experience for a while what it is like to be in the presence of Jesus through his people. It is about showing love to others just as Jesus has shown love to you.

Jesus exemplified both generosity and hospitality throughout his life. He gave everything the had for those who were poor in spirit, and he spent hours eating and drinking with the outcasts in order to bring them in.

Isn’t it time we do the same?

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Lord God, thank You for Your incredible generosity toward us. Help us to reflect Your love by contributing to the needs of others and by being hospitable in a way that truly honors You. Give us eyes to see the needs around us and the courage to meet them. Inspire us to open our homes and hearts as Jesus did, welcoming all who come our way with open arms. Amen.

Spiritual Challenge for the day:

Identify someone in your community who could use some extra support or company. Consider practical ways you can contribute to their needs—maybe it’s a meal, a helping hand, or simply your time and attention. Also, think about how you might show hospitality this week. Could you invite someone new to spend time with you or join in a meal? Let’s be intentional about embodying the generosity and welcoming spirit of Christ today.

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