Universal Translator Built In

Romans 8:26-30

Strength in Weakness


Romans 8:26-30 (ESV) “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined, he also called; and those whom he called, he also justified; and those whom he justified, he also glorified.”


One of my favourite TV shows is Star Trek. In fact I love almost every Sci-Fi story there is, but my love for Sci-Fi all started watching Star Trek with the family. In the story one of the big problems that the early space explores had was being able to communicate with the aliens. Thankfully, and amazingly, they all ended up speaking English(!) due to a little device called a universal translator. This device let them speak to almost any alien. What Paul reminds us of here is that we have a universal translator built in. Not for when we are talking to aliens, but for when we talk to God.

You see the problem we have is that we live a life of weakness. We pray for things we shouldn’t pray for. Or when we pray we don’t know what to say. We know we are bound to ask for the wrong things, and because we aren’t yet perfect, we will always ask for the wrong things. Given our weakness then, it’s comforting, to read Paul’s words in Romans, reminding us that in our most profound weaknesses, we’re not left to our own devices.

The Holy Spirit steps in, interceding on our behalf with groanings too deep for words. It’s like having that universal translator who perfectly understands the language of our hearts and conveys it to God in a way that aligns with His will. This divine intercession doesn’t just cover our inability to pray properly, but actually extends to every aspect of our lives, reassuring us that in all things, God is working for our good. Just like the Holy Spirit intercedes and prays for us, translating our deep heart issues into God-speak for our good, so too God the Father takes all things that happen to us, whether good or bad, and translates them into good things. Things that shape us and change us into the people he wants us to be.

This is staggering when you think about it. Paul reminds us that our weaknesses are not a cause for despair but actually an opportunity for the Spirit’s power to show up in our lives. Our shortcomings become the stage upon which God’s strength performs, transforming our trials into testimonies of His grace. It’s in our inability to pray as we ought that we discover just how reliant we are on God. He even provides us with the right prayer through His Spirit.

So if God then sovereignly orchestrates things for our good, this passage gives us the great confidence when things go wrong for us. It reminds us that we are on a journey, on the conveyor belt, so to speak, which starts with God predestining us, calling us, saving us, and now sanctifying us. Ultimately God will also glorify us as we are changed in to the image of Jesus.

It all works out in His plan, and every twist and turn is ordained for our ultimate good and His glory.


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Dear Lord, in the moments when we feel overwhelmed by our weaknesses and unsure of even how to speak to You, remind us of Your Spirit’s gentle intercession. Thank You for understanding our needs better than we ever could and for working everything in our lives for our good and Your glory. Help us to trust in Your sovereign plan, especially when the path is unclear, and strengthen our faith in Your promise to shape us into the image of Your Son. May our weaknesses always lead us back to the strength found in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Spiritual Challenge for the Day

Today, take a moment to be still in God’s presence, acknowledging your weaknesses and the areas of your life you struggle to understand or commit to prayer. Instead of trying to find the perfect words, simply offer your heart to God and trust in the Spirit’s intercession. Reflect on how God has worked through your weaknesses in the past and find peace in the assurance that He is still working in your life today. Reach out to someone you know who may be struggling and share with them the comforting truth of the Spirit’s intercession on their behalf.

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